Payment Information

  • A non-refundable Registration Fee of £350 for international students and £150 for domestic students is payable upon acceptance of a place at the College.
  • An offer of a place for your child at the College is accepted by returning a signed copy of the Acceptance Form. In addition, the deposit must be paid within 3 weeks of the date of the Offer Letter. Fees must be paid in full 4 weeks before the start of the course. Where a Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS) is required to support a Child Student or Student visa application, fees for the first term of study must be paid before the CAS can be issued.
  • Parents are responsible for the payment of the fees.
  • We review our fees annually and may increase them. Notice of an increase in the fees will be sent before the end of the penultimate term before the increase is to take effect. This will allow parents time to consider the increase and, if they wish to withdraw their child from the College before the proposed increase is set to take effect, they have sufficient time to provide the required term’s notice of withdrawal to the College.
  • The Fees are subject to our Terms and Conditions.

Local Payments

Bank Details

Account Name: Padworth College Ltd
Account Number: 59587660
Sort Code: 30-67-99
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank
Bank Address: Lloyds Bank, 24 Broad Street, Reading, RG1 2BT, United Kingdom
Swift/BIC Code: LOYDGB21716
IBAN Code: GB05 LOYD30679959587660

Advice to Payee: [Name of Student and Invoice Number]

Please make your payment of fees by bank transfer direct to the College Bank Account marking your payment with the student’s name in full and the Invoice Number. Please email the payment confirmation to Thank you.

International Payments

Padworth College partners with Flywire to provide you with an easy, cost-effective and secure method of sending international fee payments.

How to Pay:

  1. Follow the secure Payment Form below or visit
  2. Select your preferred language.
  3. Choose your country and the amount you are paying in GBP.
  4. Choose your payment method and make your payment to Flywire.
  5. Enter your details and those of the student you are paying for, including the Invoice Number.

Track and confirm your payment by email, SMS or by logging into

Please note, Payments may appear as Flywire or PeerTransfer on your bank statement/credit/debit card bill.

Flywire allows you to:

  • Pay in over 140 currencies.
  • Pay by bank transfer (overseas and the UK), international credit / debit card (overseas cards, not from the UK).
  • Eliminate bank fees and enjoy excellent exchange rates.
  • Track your payment from start to finish.
  • Pay from any country and any bank.
  • Feel safe, with 24/7 dedicated multilingual customer support.